Working in Ireland

Student Information

Finding a job

When looking for a job in Ireland the easiest place to search is on the internet. Websites
such as www.jobs.ie and www.irishjobs.ie generally have the widest choices of full- and
part-time jobs. Other options are the daily newspapers and checking noticeboards/shops.

Tips for finding a job

Experience required? Check the job description to see if you require any prior experience
for the given role.
Payment? You may require an Irish bank account in order to receive payment, which may
be weekly, every two weeks or monthly depending on your role. There is a basic rate of
pay which everyone is entitled to receive (minimum wage).


In order to work legally in Ireland you require a PPS (Personal Public Service) number. To
obtain this PPS number you must contact your local Department of Social Protection. For
further information on this process and requirements contact the Department of Social
Protection on Tel: 01 8748444 or www.welfare.ie.

Our Student Welfare Officer will also provide you with the necessary documentation
to request this number, as well as maps and directions to the Department of Social


Even for casual work it’s important to have an up-to-date CV (Curriculum Vitae or
resume). This should have some basic information about yourself i.e. Name, Contact
details etc. It should also list your previous employment and any qualifications you may

We understand the importance of students planning for their futures. That’s why we
have put in place regular seminars to help students with guidance in relation to C.V.
and Interview preparation. Check out the Social Programme noticeboard or ask the
Student Welfare Officer to find out when the next seminar is scheduled. Our
Student Welfare Officers can also provide advice and assistance at any time and
help you to prepare your C.V. in English.