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FCE:  A bridge to opportunity

I taught FCE in my native Scotland then Italy and Spain over a 10-year period before ‘ coming home ‘ to Emerald in 2006. I have been teaching FCE here on a daily basis ever since.

We have four courses throughout the year : two 12-week courses, one eight-week course and one ten-week course. Following an entrance exam to determine suitability, we embark on intensive courses. These cover every necessary aspect of a successful examination outcome. Along with other highly experienced members of staff, we do our best to meet the needs of the individual. We feel this is particularly important when teaching multi-national students online, in-class or hybrid.

Students are monitored throughout the courses and take a mock exam prior to registration for the test. They are then advised by their teacher accordingly on what they need to focus on. There are further practice tests including paired speaking practice leading up to the test itself.  Our success rates show that this approach best enables the student to fulfil their potential.

We use a wealth of tried and trusted resources and are constantly striving for ways in which we can modify and improve our courses. I like to think that no two courses can be the same as the individuals are not the same. Students can feel a bit daunted at the start of a course. I like to reassure them that whilst the course is an intensive and productive learning experience. There will always be room for a comfortable, enjoyable atmosphere where fun is also welcome.


Eugene McElhinney, Emerald Cultural Institute FCE Tutor