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General & Examination

Intensive Course

Designed to improve communication of spoken and written English with learner-centred lessons which help build students’ confidence, accuracy and fluency. Includes 20 hours of lessons of group tuition per week.

General & Examination

Intensive Plus Speaking Skills

Allows students to develop their language skills in the morning classes and put these skills into practice in the afternoon group conversation classes.

General & Examination

Combined Course

Combines our morning Intensive Course with an additional five hours of individual tuition, allowing students to concentrate on specific areas of language development and work on a one-to-one basis with the teacher to achieve their academic goals.

General & Examination

IELTS Examination Course

Focuses on developing essential strategies and key techniques for the IELTS examination. Participants complete regular practice tests and are taught how to approach all areas of the tests efficiently.

General & Examination

Intensive Plus IELTS Preparation

Combines the morning Intensive course with afternoon classes of exam-specific preparation, with a focus on developing IELTS examination techniques and strategies.

General & Examination

Intensive Plus Business

Combines the morning Intensive course with afternoon lessons focusing specifically on developing language skills for the world of business.

General & Examination

Cambridge Examination Course – FCE

Concentrates on developing key examination techniques across all the language skills, this course is for students preparing for the First Certificate (FCE).

General & Examination

Cambridge Examination Course – Advanced CAE

Concentrates on developing key examination techniques across all the language skills, this course is for students preparing for the Advanced examination (CAE).

General & Examination

Individual Tuition

Tailor-made to suit the individual needs of any student who wishes to work with a private teacher to focus on specific areas of language development. Includes up to six hours a day of individual tuition.

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