Adult Students
- Careful attention should be paid to the student’s well being, their accommodation, meals, etc. Students should be treated as part of the family. Meals should be a family occasion and students should not eat alone.
- A clean, tidy bedroom with a desk/table for study, adequate storage for clothing and a weekly change of bed linen and towels should be provided. The students’ laundry should be included in the family wash. Students require the facility to have a shower every day with adequate hot water and towels.
- A student from the Emerald Cultural Institute must not be asked to share a room with a student from another organisation or with a member of the host family without the Institute’s permission. If the Institute places a student of a particular nationality with a host family, the family cannot, under any circumstance, take a student of the same nationality from any other organisation. However, the Institute may place students of the same nationality with the family if the students have specifically requested to be together or if they are part of a group.
- On arrival individual adult students will either make their own way to the host family address or will be brought by an Institute representative. Students arriving as part of a group must be collected by the host family at a central meeting point (usually at the school). On departure, group students must also be dropped off at a designated meeting point. If families are unable to collect or drop off their students, the family should make alternative arrangements and if this involves the students travelling by taxi, the family must pay for the taxi or the taxi fare will have to be deducted from the family payment. However Junior students cannot travel alone in a taxi.
- Host families are expected to take their student to school on the first morning and should give the student clear directions for getting to and from the school.
- Adult students aged 18+ should be given a key to the family home or at least we encourage the student and family to come to a mutual agreement.
- A student should not be left alone in the house overnight. If all members of a host family have to leave for a night the family should inform the Institute first and then must arrange for someone to stay with the student.
- The Institute cannot be considered responsible for any damage, theft, injury, expense or inconvenience which may occur as a result of a student’s stay in a host family or due to the cancellation or curtailment of a student’s stay. The Institute acts in all circumstances as an intermediary between the host family and student. If a student requests to be moved from a host family which has failed to follow any of these conditions, the Institute will be obliged to arrange alternative accommodation for the student.
- Host families are paid by bank transfer which is sent out on the day the students leave (or every 4 weeks for long term stays). Payments are made on a per night basis and only for the nights the student stayed. Families cannot accept payment directly from the student. Most adult students require half board accommodation (no packed lunch Monday to Friday but lunch at the weekend). However most junior students require full board accommodation (with packed lunch).
For information about our rates, please contact the Institute directly by email at or call 014973361.
- The Institute will be required to provide students or agents with basic data regarding the host family and will do so in a manner consistent with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and with any guidance issued by the Data Protection Commission (more information available on our website: All host families and students will be deemed to have agreed to these conditions once a placement has been communicated and confirmed to the host family.
- Our out of hours emergency number is 086-8112047. For all other queries please phone 01 4973361.
Junior Students
- Careful attention should be paid to the student’s well being, their accommodation, meals, etc. Students should be treated as part of the family. In particular, where possible they should be included in family activities.
- Meals should be a family occasion and students should not eat alone. When a packed lunch is required, it should include -sandwich, snack, fruit and a drink.
- A clean, tidy bedroom with adequate storage for clothing and a weekly change of bed linen and towels should be provided. The students’ laundry should be included in the family wash. Students require the facility to have a shower every day with adequate hot water and towels.
- A student from the Emerald Cultural Institute must not be asked to share a room with a student from another organisation or with a member of the host family without the Institute’s permission. If the Institute places a student of a particular nationality with a host family, the family cannot, under any circumstance, take a student of the same nationality from any other organisation. However, the Institute may place students of the same nationality with the family if the students have specifically requested to be together or if they are part of a group.
- Students arriving as part of a group must be collected by the host family at a central meeting point (usually at the school). On departure, group students must also be dropped off at a designated meeting point. If families are unable to collect or drop off their students, the family should make alternative arrangements and if this involves the students travelling by taxi, the family must pay for the taxi, or the taxi fare will have to be deducted from the family payment. However Junior students cannot travel alone in a taxi.
- Host families are expected to take their student/s to school on the first morning and should give the student clear directions for getting to and from the school. It is advised that you exchange numbers with your students on arrival, also, if you can put your home address into their google maps in case they get lost.
- Students aged 13 years or less should not leave the vicinity of their home unless there is a group activity organised in which case the host family will be informed in advance. Students aged 14 to 15 may go out in the vicinity of their family home and return home by 22:00 each evening (unless they are on a Group Leader activity). Students aged 16 to 17 may go out in the vicinity of their family home and return home by 23:00 each evening. Students under 18 years cannot be given a key to the house. Please note that Garda vetting is a legal requirement for families who wish to host students under 18 years of age. Adult students aged 18+ should be given a key to the family home or at least we encourage the student and family to come to a mutual agreement.
- A student should not be left alone in the house overnight. If all members of a host family have to leave for a night the family should inform the Institute first and then must arrange for someone to stay with the student.
- The Institute cannot be considered responsible for any damage, theft, injury, expense, or inconvenience which may occur because of a student’s stay in a host family or due to the cancellation or curtailment of a student’s stay. The Institute acts in all circumstances as an intermediary between the host family and student. If a student requests to be moved from a host family, the Institute will be obliged to arrange alternative accommodation for the student. If a student is moved payment is made for the time the students stayed with the family not the full booking.
- Host families are paid by bank transfer which is sent out on the day the students leave. Most junior students require full board accommodation (with packed lunch). Payments are made only for the nights the students stayed on a per night basis.
For information about our rates, please contact the Institute directly by email at or call 014973361.
- The Institute will be required to provide students or agents with basic data regarding the host family and will do so in a manner consistent with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and with any guidance issued by the Data Protection Commission (more information available on our website: All host families and students will be deemed to have agreed to these conditions once a placement has been communicated and confirmed to the host family.
- Our out of hours emergency number is 086-8112047. For all other queries please phone 01 4973361.