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Conditions for Host Family Accommodation

Adult Students

For information about our rates, please contact the Institute directly by email at or call 014973361.

  • The Institute will be required to provide students or agents with basic data regarding the host family and will do so in a manner consistent with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and with any guidance issued by the Data Protection Commission (more information available on our website: All host families and students will be deemed to have agreed to these conditions once a placement has been communicated and confirmed to the host family.
  • Our out of hours emergency number is 086-8112047.  For all other queries please phone 01 4973361.



Junior Students

For information about our rates, please contact the Institute directly by email at or call 014973361.

  • The Institute will be required to provide students or agents with basic data regarding the host family and will do so in a manner consistent with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and with any guidance issued by the Data Protection Commission (more information available on our website: All host families and students will be deemed to have agreed to these conditions once a placement has been communicated and confirmed to the host family.
  • Our out of hours emergency number is 086-8112047.  For all other queries please phone 01 4973361.